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From Our Mailbag

Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus! I will be very much interested to receive some copies of your magazine or a catalogue of all your publications. Thank you very much in advance. France

Greetings in Jesus name! I am interested to know more about your ministries. Let me know more about Watchman Fellowship Inc. Are you having any branches/churches in India? If you are not having, are you praying (planning) to start in India?

I am a full time young servant of God serving Him since 16 years. Since 7 years. I am serving under a small church planting organization. Pray for our mission. I have no theological qualification. I don’t know computers…I am a spiritual book lover but I am unable to spend my money on books. Now a days the Lord has given me much burden to know Him more. If you send me your literature I will be so grateful to you. If you send your literature I will go through them and teach the truth to our prayer cell members.

Pray for India. Somebody made the word India acronym for: “Important Nation Dying of Idol Adoration”. Now a days there are oppositions from radical Hindus. Christianity is a minority (only 4%). India become a great challenge for missions…India needs revival…So I request you to pray for India. Please come and minister among us in India. South India

A: This was a rather lengthy letter but we have tried to convey the writer’s heart for the people in his country. We will be sending him some of the books and materials he requested. He also had many theological questions that we will try to answer for him. This is but one of the many needs we are able to help with because of those who support our work financially. WF

I happened to come across your website and was especially interested since it mentioned my name as one who teaches visualization techniques. Based on 16 years working with athletes and teams, I very strongly believe there is a definite relationship between an athlete's feelings of self worth (self-esteem) and athletic performance. And one of the avenues open to an athlete for the enhancement of his/her self esteem is a strong belief in a higher power. ;I always encourage coaches to recruit players who are highly spiritual. I would encourage you to read my new book, "Mind Over Sports".

PS: By the way, contrary to what many performance enhancement gurus will tell you, visualization techniques are of little value if an athlete is carrying around with him/her unresolved issues or is withholding his/her feelings. Missouri

A: The author, Marv Fremerman is responding to our article “New Age in Sports” which appeared in the April 1999 Vantage Point. Copies may be obtained from our Alabama office. WF

Sir, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I can tell you without a doubt in my mind that I know the Book of Mormon is the true work of God, as well as a perfect companion to the Bible. Through both their teachings any man would be able to find the love of Christ. The love he has for us all.

This Church [LDS] is set up exactly how it was in the days when Jesus the Christ walked on the earth. With the prophet, the twelve apostles, seventies patriarchs and so on. Jesus said in the Bible that other sheep that were not of that flock he had to go teach. The people in the Book of Mormon are those sheep he was referring to.

Why do you think that couldn’t happen? Do you think Jesus has limits? Do you think he could not travel to the other side of the world to spread the gospel?

Please don’t take my word for all this sir, I challenge you to read the Book of Mormon and pray to God and ask Him if it is His true word and see what happens. Thank you for your time. Internet contact

A: I have read the Book of Mormon and found it to be filled with errors and inconsistencies, not only as relates to itself but also as it relates to the official teachings of the Mormon Church. We will be glad to send the supporting documentation to any who request it. WF

I would like thank Watchman Fellowship for being available to inmates at no cost. The articles are very informative and help to defend against false teachings of the many cults and churches out there. May Watchman continue to help the Christian faith of their readers and supporters. Connecticut

Thanks so much for your article defending Tolkien and fantasy in general. I get so aggravated at people who see Satan in anything not specifically Christian. God gave us imaginations to allow our minds to soar. Yes, many wallow in the gutter instead of taking flight, but that is a choice that gets to the heart of the practice our faith. It is a very weak faith that cannot read fantasy and enjoy the creativity of it for concentrating on its lack of Christian rhetoric. Internet contact

This is the first time I have written you folks, and I figure it is about time to thank you for the fine apologetics work you have been doing in behalf of the gospel of Jesus Christ! I have collected your “treatises” beginning in 1997 and consider them to be a worthy refutation of such false claims of spirituality as have come upon the scene.

David Grubbs did a fine job of defining Tolkien—I am still trying to get enthusiastic about the Lord of the Rings, but you have started me on the trail of digging deeper. Minnesota