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Pointing to What is Real

By Allan McConnell

Christmas is a very special time of year—a time of hope and joy, a time for friends and family, a time for angels and shepherds. Most importantly, it is a time that finds its true meaning and significance in the baby Jesus, a child so special that wise men came from far away just to bring Him gifts. Today, just as in Jesus’ day, wise men still seek Him.

Unfortunately, there are also those who not only fail to seek Him but also lead others away from Him. Many people have no true hope in Jesus, because they have been deceived into believing the lies of a cult or deceptive religious leader.

I am mindful of this as I reflect on how meaningful your gifts and prayers have been in helping us accomplish and expand our mission. It is our desire to reach ever more people who are trapped, or who have love ones trapped, in such groups. Many cults keep members separated from their friends and families, an absence that is especially painful during the Christmas season. Most tragically, all cults and false religions keep their members from the only One Who can save them eternally—Jesus.

We know that the number of people who need our help will increase in the coming year, just as it has every year. With this blessing of increased ministry opportunity also comes the need for additional staff and resources. With your help, we can continue to reach those in need and bring the light and hope of our Savior to many of those who are lost in the cults.

As we celebrate this Christmas I wanted you to know that much has been achieved through the gifts we received in 2002. Our staff is excited about what God will do through Watchman Fellowship this coming new year as well. I look forward to your being a part of this by partnering with us as we move into the year 2003. We pledge that we will continue to lift up the One to whom the star pointed in hopes that many others will also come to Him.

While we have accomplished much in 2002, the progress we have made with your help stands in stark contrast with the work that remains. The cults continue to grow, New Age ideas continue to permeate our culture, and false teachers continue to deceive millions, including churchgoers, with a false god and a false gospel. We have much work ahead of us, and we need you to stand with us to expose these lies and deceptions, that we might rescue the perishing using the Light of God's Word. Be part of something real!WF


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The Update has helped me tremendously as I have two teenage boys who bring their friends over often. We have some very interesting conversations and with the information you provide I am able to set straight some things and also keep informed so I am better able to minister to these kids.” Birmingham, Alabama

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“Thank you for agreeing to lead a seminar/breakout session at our Collegiate Evangelism Conference. We are excited about the impact it will have on reaching college students for Christ in our state.” Alabama Baptist State Convention, Montgomery, Alabama

More than 500 FREE information packages on the cults and new religious movements, answering people's needs in responding to the cults.

“Thank you for your help recently in dealing with false teaching by the Christian Identity Movement. Your information packet was very helpful in this matter.” Gadsden, Alabama

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“Watchman Fellowship has been an invaluable resource for me. They have helped me keep a perspective on the stories that I do.” Television News Anchor/Reporter, Birmingham, Alabama

Allan McConnell, serves as Executive Administrator at Watchman Fellowship’s Birmingham, AL Office. He can be reached via e-mail by clicking here.

This article was excerpted from the Fall issue of The Watchman Update

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